Sunday 23 May 2010

Alpha is Coming To Fellside

You may have heard of the Alpha Course, or seen ads on the back of buses, but if you haven’t, it’s a 10 week course, with no strings attached, talking and discussing on a range of very important topics such as ‘why are we here?’ ‘why is there suffering in the world?’ ‘is there a God?’ etc. It’s very much a discussion, with nobody giving the hard sell, and each week on Wednesday evenings, beginning on October 6th, we’ll start with a meal together. There is no obligation to complete the course, and if you wanted to leave at any time, you are free to do so.

Alpha courses started in London about 20 years ago, and have been conducted in churches all over the world. Celebrities and politicians have been course members, and Alpha is held in very high regard.

We would love to see you in October. There is no charge for the course, just a donation towards the food if you wish to. There are many people with lots of questions they would like to find answers to, but have no idea where to search for those answers. If this is you, why not give Alpha a try? Mark the date in your diary: Wednesday October 6th, and watch for more details in this newsletter.

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